Lunar eClipse in capricorn

We are at the end point of the eclipse season for this summer, with the lunar eclipse in Capricorn taking place on Sunday July 5th at 00:44 EST. This shift will be directly linked to the themes and experiences we had earlier this year, when the solar eclipse in Capricorn took place. If you are curious and would like to refresh your memory on what those themes were, scroll to the bottom for the video breakdown.

This eclipse will be the final nail on the coffin for the grand reset of the universe. Any tough cycles, ideals or placements within society/our lives that do not fit, will be removed at this time. The theme of endings and beginnings continues. What cycles have you battled at the beginning of this year and how have they played out up to this point? With the sun and moon at the 13thdegree of the Cancer-Capricorn axis, we are being given the chance to say our final goodbyes to these cycles.

The number 13 is the number of the Divine Feminine, as it reflects the number of moon cycles we see within a year,  the amount of moon cycles a woman will have and the letter M, which many Divine Feminine archetypes fall under (mother, Mary) . This number carries a strong vibration and was held in high regards in ancient civilizations including the Mayans, Egyptians, Atlanteans and more. It is also the number of death within the tarot deck. With this shift taking place during Cancer season – the sign of the Divine Feminine, as Cancer rules the moon – there is an important theme to highlight: death of various cycles for the Divine Feminine collective. Of course, the Divine Masculine’s will also feel this shift, however the DF’s will be given a higher dose of karmic cleansing and release. 


Now, let’s get into this tea.


The moon will be sitting in the 10th house, which is naturally ruled by Capricorn. We can expect to receive changes in how we see our long term goals and commitments, in order to reflect on how much they are truly serving us. With the moon square to Chiron and Mars, and opposite to Mercury, we can expect to be more closed off and wanting to hide in our shells. Allowing us to contemplate and reflect on our social groups, our philosophies, morals and values. At this time, all of these will be transforming in some way. Uranus encourages us to remember that change is good and allows us to create space for new morals/values/philosophies/communities that are more aligned to our true self. Uranus is making a lovely trine to the moon, in Taurus at the 10th degree and sextiles with Mercury and our closest star. With Uranus now sitting at the 10th degree of Taurus, this is a reminder that we have completed a cycle and a new one shall begin soon.

As we know, eclipse season carries a lot of karmic energy. But karma plays out based on the choices we’ve made. It is time for the collective to reflect on the last 6 months and ask what growth has been completed. How dedicated and disciplined are we, to our dreams and desires? Are we willing to move out of our comfort zone and into deeper waters? This eclipse challenges us to rise to the occasion. With Chiron and Mars both square to the sun, moon and Mercury, in Aries, there will be a lot of built up aggression/tension felt this weekend. Inner child wounds can flare up at this time having us feeling abandoned/concerned about our security. This is because Mars and Chiron are sitting in the 12th house at the time, as they make squares with Mercury in the 3rd (Gemini ruling house) and the sun in the 4th (Cancer ruling house).

It is up to us to make the choice to accept these lessons or run from them. With Venus still in Gemini and direct, we are being reminded that these lessons we are to receive are for us to digest for the greater good. Looking at both sides of every lesson/trigger we receive during this shift, and over standing that we are looking at our shadow selves in these moments. What actions can we take to re-align ourselves with harmony and detachment in mind, to ensure we are not attached to outcomes that are not confirmed? What wisdom have we received from this current lesson and how are we showing gratitude for this growth? – these are the questions we could be asking ourselves, as Venus is sextile to Mars and Chiron, making a trine with Saturn.

Jupiter is still conjunct to Pluto and Saturn at this time, giving us an opportunity to practice our patience with self, as we go through these times of transformation and rebirth.

 This lunar eclipse reminds us that death and transformation does not have to be sad or even avoided. For if we do this, we re-create the karmic cycles blocking us from our higher self. In many African spiritual practices, death is a time of celebration, rejoicing and reminiscing of the one who has ascended. I encourage you to take time this weekend to celebrate your past self for all that they have done for you. Thank them and release them so that you may ascend with ease.  


Review the following links below for more support on your journey:

To see how this shift will affect you personally, book a personal astrology transit reading with us!


Visions & Horoscopes ~ 11/1-11/7


Herbs for Gemini Season