January 2023 Horoscopes

January is the month of awakenings. As three planets station direct this month, we begin to see a positive shift in our endeavours. As we receive these new insights and visions, a boost in our confidence and courage may grow this month. Venus enters Aquarius on January 2nd, which may have us focusing more on the future, and what our abundance may look like then. While it is important for us to remain clear on what we want, if we focus too much on the future timeline, we may miss the opportunities in the present! This transit reminds us that all unfolds in divine timing and the time moves much faster when we detach from the outcome. The full moon in Cancer takes place on January 6th, highlighting themes of family, our roots and ancestors, the home and how safe we feel in our sacred spaces. Cancer is extremely protective while also nurturing; so naturally the collective may have the desire to unplug, recharge and focus on healing at this time.

Mars finally stations direct on January 12th, which can lead to pending plans moving forward. If we’ve been experiencing delays, we can expect those to slowly change. A couple days later, we have the third quarter moon in Libra, which can inspire us to review all of our responsibilities, and reflect on what requires balance. The new abundance coming in can create excitement, but we must remember to honour our boundaries and carve out time for grounding and self care. The last major transit of Capricorn season, will be Mercury stationing direct on the 18th. Although we end the month in the shadow period, this shift represents the end of certain cycles, in order to uplift ourselves and re-commit to our goals. The sun enters Aquarius on January 20th, and within 12 hours, the moon joins the sun for the new moon on the 21st. With the new moon taking place at the 1° of Aquarius, a tight conjunction to the planet of transformation and rebirth, Pluto, takes place. This moon reminds us that adjusting to change can take time, including the adjustment of handling a larger garden. If we find ourselves completing shadow work at this time, or becoming triggered by old wounds, we should give ourselves the space to do so without judgement.

The planet of innovation and sudden change, Uranus, stations direct on the 22nd, bringing possible tower moments and the birth of miracles. Uranus stationing direct is a reminder that the possibilities are endless; and instead of fearing the unknown, we should give thanks that there is still so much to discover and receive. Venus enters Pisces on the 26th, shifting our focus on the future, to reminiscing about the past and the dreamworld we’ve created in our minds. Venus is exalted in Pisces, and believes that our reality can be just as sweet as our dreams. Under this transit we may find that manifesting our desires feels effortless. This feeling allows us to become soft again and be open to receiving our blessings with ease.

Horoscopes are written based on rising sign, be sure to have your birth chart to confirm your rising sign. If you’ve received a solar return chart reading by us, we also recommend reviewing the sign ruled by your solar return chart.

Aries Rising

Things may start to pick up for you this month, as your ruling sign stations direct on the 12th! This can bring positive changes to your current plans that may have been feeling stagnant for the past couple of months. The changes being made to your plan, may include fine tuning the minor details, in order to bring your vision completely to life. The full moon taking place in your 4th house, can inspire a deep detox within the self and your external environment. Who says you have to wait until spring to declutter? Follow your gut and let go of what feels like baggage. This ritual is proof that there is growth taking place and bigger blessings on the way. This month is all about believing in yourself and regaining your confidence! You are worthy of these new opportunities and the light that is shining on you at this time. Towards the end of the month, Venus will enter your 12th house, which may bring offerings that had been missed in the past, back to you. Some of these offerings can show up mysteriously, so discernment is key. Recognize the work of spirit!

Taurus Rising

This month is all about thinking outside of the box and being open to receiving blessings in new ways. Sometimes we receive our blessings in a form we are not used to seeing; or perhaps reject because of its foreignness. This is something you’ll have to overcome, as tests could be sent your way to see how comfortable you truly are with certain experiences. It’s time to upgrade, Taurus! And when your ruling planet enters Aquarius this month, this is exactly what will happen. You may be surprised at how much can change when you’re finally open to a new way of receiving abundance. Venus enters your 10th house of long term goals and career, providing you inspiration in these areas and new opportunities. The full moon this month takes place in your 6th house of wellness and health. Your health is your wealth! This includes the health of your physical temple, the health of your mind, the health of your heart and the health of your spirit. If you’re overdue for any medical appointments, now is a good time to book one. When Mars and Mercury finally station direct, more clarity and movement around your long term goals will start to take place. Spending those last couple of days of Capricorn season reviewing this accomplished step and the next one, can set you up for the success of the upcoming season when the sun shines in your 10th house. Think big baby!

Gemini Rising

Your mind will begin to clear out the fog and other distractions this month when Mars and Mercury station direct. The retrograde of Mars has been ongoing for a while, which may have left you feeling uncertain of what lies ahead, or what your next move will be. Mars has been sitting on your ascendant during this retrograde which could explain why you may be feeling this way, but don’t take it personally. Instead of trying to force things, take a step back and look at the overall plan. Where is there surplus and where is there lack? The slowing down of our plans doesn’t always mean we are doing something wrong, usually it means we are over-doing something! Catch up on rest and sleep this month, so that you can tap into the exciting creative energy of Aquarius season, when the sun moves into your 9th house of discovery and expansion. As your ruling planet Mercury stations direct in your 8th house, you may find yourself decluttering and going on a detox of various kinds including social media and certain “bad vices”. Consider this a ritual for your higher self to thrive; the rebirth is so worth it! This month’s full moon takes place in your second house of wealth and abundance, be ready to receive!

Cancer Rising

With the full moon taking place in your sign this month, you could be noticing heightened synchronicities and messages from your guides. If you feel the deep desire to tune out the outside noise and handle your personal affairs silently, do this without any guilt! The full moon on your ascendant is a return to the self and the ending of certain cycles, in order to birth new ones. What are some things you vowed to remove and leave in the previous year? This would be a good time to reflect on these, and ask yourself (in all honesty) how you feel about these changes. Know that you have what it takes to accomplish your goals, Cancer! Nothing is too big or too unrealistic. The upcoming season of Aquarius could include shedding old ideas/limitations of the self and focusing on shadow work, as the sun enters your 8th house. Review your boundaries with others and matters associated with money. Abundance exchanges of all sorts will be highlighted this month; it’s time to call back your energy! These exchanges may also be similar to the themes highlighted to you during this Mercury retrograde. Mercury will station direct this month, clearing up any pending concerns or questions. This retrograde took place in your 7th house of relationships and legal affairs. Sounds like a lot right? Which is exactly why in between all of this, you must make time for self! Slow down, organize accordingly and rest.

Leo Rising

In order to call in our desires, all of the tools we use for manifesting must be tuned up and functioning at their highest frequency. This includes your sacred temple! When you feel good in your body, you are grounded and soft, attracting abundant opportunities with ease. You may have been feeling sleepier than usual for the last couple of weeks, as Mercury’s pre shadow and retrograde period has begun in your 6th house. Although Mercury will station direct this month, we won’t leave the post shadow period until next month! So instead of trying to push yourself to do things when your body is feeling off, listen to your body! Your body is the first and most reliable oracle you will ever know. The upcoming full moon takes place in your 12th house, which could bring you some interesting visions and messages in your dreams. You mind as well have a cute dream journal close by, since you’ll be catching more sleep! Once you feel fully recharged, you may find yourself more sensitive to the energy around you. Venus enters your eighth house of transformation and rebirth; expect some shedding and release to take place. Take this month to reflect on the environments/people you are surrounded by. The sun will enter your 7th house of relationships, providing upgrades in this area of your life.

Virgo Rising

We’ve been enjoying the element of earth lately, as various celestial bodies sit in earth signs. Hopefully you’ve been noticing this shift and enjoying yourself as the divine works behind the scenes. As Mercury stations direct mid-month, things will start to pick up again and so will your inspiration/energy to make moves. This retrograde takes place in your 5th house of passion and romance; reflecting on what routines/behaviours need improvement in order to honour the balance of your passions and romantic affairs, can be expected. Venus will also move into your seventh house of long term relationships, making you eye candy for all suitable mates! Keep in mind though that not all attention is good attention; only pour into those who see your value. Remember that all changes take time, even with sharp focused intention! Avoid being a helicopter-hater towards yourself; give yourself space to breathe and just be! The full moon takes place in your 11th house of friends and community. This moon may highlight a shift in this area; this could also look like shocking news. Remember; we cannot expect others to respond in the way we would. Protect your energy at all costs and avoid communication traps that lead to you being misunderstood. The sun moves into your 6th house this month, highlighting health and wellness. Pour all of the love you give to others, back into yourself and temple.

Libra Rising

This month is all about aligning with your passions and purpose. As an air sign, you spend a lot of time in your head creating visions of the future and coming up with new ideas. But sometimes the mind gets cluttered with all of this thinking! It’s great to be inspired, but give yourself the space to put those visions into real concrete plans. Have courage in your abilities and know you can attain the goals on your vision board. The full moon takes place in your tenth house of long term goals and career; new opportunities that create stable abundance may show up! Understand that as these blessings come in, you may also be required to remove other distractions/obstacles. This may include matters of the home and family, as the sun has been highlighting this theme during Capricorn season. You cannot be the peacemaker for everyone, despite what you may think! You are not here to clean up everyone’s mess; what is the best way you can be supportive while also honouring your boundaries? This month is all about returning to the things you love, but in order to do that you need to have the time! As the sun enters your fifth house this month, your fun flirtatious side could be popping out more, giving you an external glow and spice up your social life. Your ruling sign enters your fifth and sixth house of passion, romance, health and wellness as a reminder to prioritize your peace and take care of your temple. It’s okay to want to have a good time, but make sure it won’t cost you later. Balance!

Scorpio Rising

This month is all about getting yourself organized for the months ahead, as some of your biggest visions continue to unfold in your mind. Continue to hold the vision you have for the future, as it is certain to come to fruition! However you need to remember that these visions and goals will not evolve overnight. Instead of focusing on the entire staircase, focus on the step in front of you. As the full moon takes place in your ninth house this month, the full picture of this vision will become more clear and boost your confidence into making it happen. Have some faith in yourself and trust that the divine is working in your favour! Later on this month Mars and Mercury will station direct, which would be the perfect time for you to finally get some of those heavy thoughts off your mind and chest. Shadow work and cycles of the past have been returning as themes in your life since late October. Sometimes it takes a test of an old trigger for you to know if you’ve really healed from the situation! When you speak up for yourself, you are also speaking up for the past versions of yourself that couldn’t. Towards the end of the month, the sun will enter your fourth house of family and home. Does your sacred space still reflect you and feel like your space? Perhaps it’s time for some upgrades!

Sagittarius Rising

This past month has been all about reviewing your finances and getting organized. You have big dreams and big ideas, but they will require you to invest in them! Don’t cheat yourself out of your divine spot just because you can’t make temporary sacrifices. This has been a time of reflecting on what your needs are, and what your wants are. Are you willing to invest in yourself in order to get to where you want to be? By shifting your mindset, you will see how much easier it is to accomplish your goals. As you go through these changes, there may be certain routines/patterns/people that will no longer align to this new level of dedication you are obtaining. Remember that you are here to accomplish your destiny and not to be validated by others idea who or what you’re meant to be. As Mars stations direct in your seventh house of long term relationships, you may see a positive shift in this area. This may look like the relationships upgrading or going their separate ways. Regardless of how it goes, know that this is what is best for you and your growth. As the sun enters your third house later on this month, you may find yourself tapping into your inner child and be inspired to create something new! Remember to take a break from all of the hustling and make space for play.

Capricorn Rising

We wrap up Capricorn season this month, which means you’re still the main character for a little longer! Mercury will be going direct this month, after an interesting retrograde which has taken place in your first house. Give yourself some time to digest all of the information and wisdom you’ve received during this time before making important decisions. The full moon taking place in your seventh house, highlights themes of long term relationships and legal affairs. If you’ve been wondering where you stand with your loved ones, you can expect to receive these answers under this moon. You’re not one to express yourself and your emotions easily, but this would be a good time to do so! In order to get what you need from relationships, you need to communicate those needs first. It may be time to reflect on what those needs are and how they may have changed over time. As the sun shifts into your second house of abundance and wealth, new opportunities may come your way! Sometimes we receive these new opportunities right in our hands, while other times we may receive the key to the door which leads to these opportunities. When you receive the key, remember that it is up to you yo open the door for yourself! Don’t block your blessing because you doubt the timing of its arrival.

Aquarius Rising

This past month may have been feeling stagnant, due to the Mercury retrograde taking place in your 12th house of dreams and mystery. Sometimes distractions are sent your way to test your discipline and focus. This is the time to re-commit to your goals and the plan you created to accomplish them! Your time is coming as the sun and Venus move into your first house this month. As the fog slowly clears up this month with the end of three retrogrades (including one of your ruling planets), you’ll be inspired to make moves and show the world what you have to offer. In order to receive the fullness of your blessings, you will have to get over your imposter syndrome and step into the spotlight! You are not just meant to do incredible things “behind the scenes”. You are meant to be seen and stand in the spotlight too! Preparing for this moment looks like tending to your health and creating a new routine that will give you enough space to step into these new blessings. A routine that reflects abundance, attracts abundance.

Pisces Rising

Community, passion and family affairs may be themes that are highlighted to you this month. Under the Capricorn sun, your social circles and community have been highlighted as the sun sits in your eleventh house. You may be reflecting on what your social circle reflects and if what they reflect is a true reflection of you. It’s okay to feel differently about some of these spaces and move on if you need to. The upcoming full moon reminds you that sometimes sacrifices are required in order to make space for your passions and purpose. You may even find yourself diving into new passions under this moon; allow yourself to be curious and see where it goes! As the sun shifts into your twelfth house, you may notice heightened synchronicities and messages from your guides. This new season may also have you feeling more sensitive to your surroundings and wanting to stay at home more. Whatever comes up this month, always trust your gut. It’s never wrong and it can save you from a lot of unnecessary chaos. As Venus moves into your sign at the end of the month, you’ll recognize the rewards being poured into you when you trust yourself. Be open to receiving opportunities of a lifetime! The planet of love, abundance and values reminds you this month (and the next) what happens when you honour yourself and your worth.


Third Quarter Moon in Virgo