The last super moon of the year, takes place on the Leo-Aquarius axis tonight, at 9:36PM est, 6:36PM ptd. Illuminating drastic change, this moon may challenge us to push beyond our limits. We have been experiencing super moons since eclipse season, confronting our biggest fears and depths of Self. These challenges may have shown up in different ways, but with each super moon, the tidal waves grew larger. With this moon being the final curtain call of super moons, this is our chance to prove to ourselves that we have what it takes. Pushing beyond our limits, means choosing growth even when it’s painful. To choose growth is to choose ourself, and therefore to choose the Divine. The energy of Aquarius is electrifying and often times unpredictable, however if we can remain anchored in our faith, we will always land on our feet.
Tower moments can be expected under this moon, as this moon squares off to Mars, Uranus and the north node of fate in Taurus. The Mars-Uranus conjunction has already brought so much change to our plans, however these changes (despite how chaotic they may look) are indeed for the better. Saturn in Aquarius conjuncts the super moon, magnifying the lesson of tough love. This final piece of shedding has been building up since the Scorpio blood moon, and is probably the most raw confrontation we’ve had to face this year. However Saturn opposing the Leo sun encourages us to remain loyal to our worth; a currency exchange will not be accepted. If it is safety and stability we desire within our plans, we will have to adjust accordingly through reflection and action.
Reflecting on what changes are required in order to make space for our blessings, and completing the necessary actions to make that change happen. The more we dig our heels and resist this change, the more we feel the square of Saturn and the moon to the south node in Scorpio. Many of us are seeing our prayers manifest on this realm right now, and may feel unprepared to maintain them. This illusion we have created, keeps us exactly where we are; comfortable, just as the [immature] ego desires. However there are consequences for accepting what is of lesser value than Self. These consequences take place on all planes.
This moon is a reminder that we are the unique ingredient, the Chemical X-traterrestrial. Your highest Self, is You right now. The only thing missing is the clear vision that is required to show up in this energy. Visualize your Highest Self through clarity and a strong knowing of Self and Self Worth, then show up as that.
Themes: Karmic cleansing and release, de-cluttering our social spaces to make space for aligned connections, magnified clear vision of future plans
Magick: With the intense aspects of this moon from all of the fixed energy, it would be best to spend this moon meditating and journaling. Aquarius is a visionary and can see the future before it happens, delivering confidence during the manifestation process. Taking time to reflect on our future plans and what it looks/feels like, through rituals of play and pleasure, can support us. This moon is also beneficial for protective and release workings.
This is the final push through of big plans that have been brewing for a while, and will require your trust in the divine timing of it all! Significant changes are still underway, what are you still holding onto that may be adding tension to this release?
A deep exhale can be felt under this moon, as your ruling planet creates harmonious aspects with Mars, Jupiter and Neptune. The time for planting new seeds is now! Don’t be afraid of the heavy lifting that is required, your vision is clear and it will bloom exactly as you desire.
When we decide we are ready to accept change, the universe responds accordingly. This moon can bring an abundance of clarity, which can pivot you into a new direction. Be open to receiving inspiration from others and their support! Your mind could be working overtime, so be sure to take time to ground and unplug as necessary.
This moon calls for slowing down your workload and releasing some of the heaviness it has come with. If things are feeling more exhausting than usual, this is a sign that you’re doing too much! Trust that showing up as your authentic self is enough, you don’t have to force yourself to be anything less. Faking it til you make it only leads to more burnout.
With this moon taking place on your axis, your emotions could be heightened at this, as is your intuition. Be open to receiving clarity, criticism and visions from the Divine at this time. If you want to experience the dreams that have yet to unfold, you’ll have to do what you have yet to complete. Give thanks for the divine intervention and protection taking place now.
Despite the intensity this moon carries, there are positive aspects to your ruling planet with Uranus. Be open to the new paths that are unfolding for you at this time and understand that new opportunities can show up in the most unexpected ways. Go with the flow, but remain strong with your discernment.
Synchronicities are in the air! And so is the vibration of love, which can have you on cloud 9. Anchor this element into your plans and allow it to motivate you to keep going. The cosmos are aligning in your favour this moon, creating space for new inspiration, opportunities and dreams to manifest.
This moon can feel heavy for you, as there are tough aspects with the south node in your sign, to multiple celestial bodies. You may be going through a deep purge, an ego death of some kind. But on the other side of this death (which you could be fearing), is your greatest rebirth! Push through but take your time, you have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself.
Deep healing and releasing triggers of your inner child can take place under this moon, as your ruling planet inches closer each day to Chiron. With positive aspects to the planet of love, values and worth, this is a time of self realization. You are worthy of all of your dreams coming true, but do you believe this? Doing the internal work always pays off, dig deeper!
With this moon in conjunct to your ruling planet, your emotions could be heightened and feeling heavy. This is an ideal time to complete a deep purge of all items and spaces that do not serve you. With Pluto in your sign connecting harmoniously to the Taurus stellium, you can expect prosperity to bloom through this release. In order to catapult forward, sometimes you have to take a step back. This is not a reflection of failure, but of your strength.
This full moon takes place in your sign, which brings heightened clarity, intuition and messages. The information you are receiving, is being seen exactly as it is; trust your inner voice and follow it through. Plans that you may be sitting on, can take off under this moon and inspire you to dream bigger! Do not resist the changes taking place. You are the vision of the zodiac, what do you see?
You could be feeling a lot of different emotions under this moon, as both of your ruling planets connect with Venus. Take this time to reflect on what you believe you are worthy of receiving, and how your plans align with this. You may find that you have been selling yourself short of joy; time to pour back into your cup until it runneth over!