Venusian Milk Bath Recipe
This recipe is one of my personal favourites, and one I conjured myself. The intention behind this bath, is to uplift the vibration of love within you and around you. As always, take what resonates and enhance the recipe to meet your needs!
I completed this bath last Valentine’s Day, and it has been extremely beneficial for me! I’ve noticed a huge shift in my mindset including practicing safe self talk, enhancing use of boundaries, and receiving offerings of love and abundance in alignment with myself.
Candles and crystals in each corner of your tub, is recommended but not required. When preparing the bath, speak your intentions into it! Imagine the water flowing into the tub as a manifestation of the intentions you are calling in.
You Will Need:
A bouquet of roses - not recommended to replace, as roses carry the highest frequency within the flower kingdom
Milk - powder or liquid form, the amount depends on how creamy you want the bath to be (I use coconut powdered milk)
Florida water
Rose water
Orange blossom water
Conjure oil of choice - I used “Precious Punni” and “Just Like Honey” Abundance Oil from the apothecary
I recommend completing this during the hour of Venus! Put on your favourite playlist (click here and here for Loli’s favs), light your incense/candles and enjoy!
With Perfect Love and Perfect Trust,