Virgo Full Moon ~ Visions & Horoscopes

The full moon in Virgo takes place on 03/18 at 3:17AM est, 12:17AM ptd. This is the final full moon of the astrological year, so it’s no surprise that endings and closure are a theme. The energy of Virgo includes wellness, purity and cleanliness, organization and service. As we inch closer to the new year, we may find ourselves reflecting on these themes in our lives. What many call “spring cleaning” may actually be a phenomenon that is triggered by the Virgo full moon! With the moon connecting with Pluto in Capricorn and the north node in Taurus, the deaths and transformations that take place now can lead us to our greatest resurrections and victories. Instead of being fearful and worried about what we are leaving behind, the cosmos suggest that we embrace this shift and what is coming next. This full moon sits opposite of the Pisces stellium including the sun, Jupiter and Neptune. Visions of the past, present and future can be expected as this moon illuminates our skies and third eye. 


  • Lots of astral travel and visit from the ancestors and our guides! This does not mean they will manifest in “physical” form. Know what communication with the astral realm looks like for you and how this may apply.

  • Closure and endings in the form of communication (27° of Virgo-Pisces axis). This communication can be verbal or written as we are confronting energies which may have taken advantage of our compassion and desire to serve the collective ascension

  • Unexpected changes and shifts in our personal relationships; we may even feel like our bodies are going through intense changes too! This is most likely true, as the collective pushes through a wave of ascension symptoms


This moon can bring a necessary push for you into the right direction. Perhaps something was overlooked before and ignored, but now the cosmos are calling for confrontation and facing your fears head on. It’s time to roll up your sleeves and reflect on what part you intentionally played in this! 


There is not much for you to do this full moon, besides accept what is done and moving away. You may be surprised at how much dead weight still hovers over you. This is not a sign that you’re energetically behind but rather that you’re energetically aware. What you do now can help sharpen the future and clear your path. 


Your ruling planet sits in conjunction to Neptune and Jupiter, which can be helpful as the universe converses with you and provides much clarity. As this clarity comes in the manifestation of visions and downloads, it’s important to remember to remain grounded. 


A deep cleanse is necessary for you the most at this time. This could be cleansing of the home or other sacred spaces which you reside in. There is no need for you to look back at how this shedding takes place as this can shift your view of the future. Inhale and take it all in; exhale to let it all go. 


Psychic upgrades can be expected under this moon, as your ruling star connects with the Pisces stellium. These messages are being highlighted to you in a heightened way to ensure you have focused intention. Read between the lines and ensure you’re still enough to receive the message. 


Because this moon is taking place in your sign, you are going to be the most effected by it. It’s time to reflect on this past personal lunar year and how you have grown through the various phases. How does your act of service manifest and how is it applied to self? What emotional tides do you still carry? 


This moon applies pressure to what is still hovering and needs to be removed. It’s okay to be indecisive however sometimes this lack of trust in your decision making can paralyze you. With the new year approaching, your lunar return approaches. It’s time to prepare for this energetic shift and step up! 


This full moon can feel like a breath of fresh air as one of your ruling planets works in harmony with this moon. You may actually feel as though you’re in a new dimension with how much things have shifted for you! There is no need to feel skeptical about this, trust yourself enough to walk into the right direction.


Your planet is in the middle of this grand Pisces stellium and can feel overwhelming at times. The astral realm is stimulating you heavily now so it’s absolutely necessary that you invoke the activities that keep you anchored. Headaches and a clouded mind can also be expected; take this moon to rest and recharge. 


You’re being pushed this week to confront certain individuals in your personal relationships and express how you feel. This is not something you do often but with it being the end of the year, this is the time to do it! It’s time to reflect on your values and how they play a part in what you say yes/no to. Are you holding yourself back from your highest potential? 


This full moon may feel like a grand reset for you, as some not so great reality checks hit the surface. Take these moments as the universe trying to protect you from making decisions you may regret later. Perhaps some plans haven’t been going as you expected and this has slowed you down. The truth is, you’re still trying to control the situation! What happens if you step back and allow Spirit to work and reshape your blessings into something better? 


It’s no surprise that you are also going to feel this moon the most, as your axis is illuminated. With four planets currently sitting in your sign, you may not get much sleep under this moon! You can take advantage of this by conversing with Spirit and allowing yourself to be guided through the realm. Allow your third eye to open and your throat chakra to express what you see! 


Capricorn Third Quarter Moon ~ Horoscopes


Visions & Horoscopes ~ 03/02/2022-03/09/2022