This week is full of transformational movement within the cosmos. Starting the week off with the Scorpio super moon, we are being forced to open our eyes and see truths that may be uncomfortable to admit, but are necessary for us to see. As we sit with this discomfort, Pluto stations retrograde the following day of the super moon. Between now and Libra season, deep shedding and reflection of the self can occur. This week will show us what spaces in our lives are to be cleansed and evolved. A heightened feeling of psychic awareness and intense dreams, can be expected this week.
Check your sun, moon & rising sign for more on what this super moon will bring to you!
Your intuition is guiding you into new tides this week, allow yourself to be open to this journey. Applying compassion just as much as you apply intellect, is necessary. Deception may linger, especially around those closest to you. What excuses are you making, to remain in these spaces?
Huge changes are coming for you this week! Just as they have from the previous, this could still be the same cycle ongoing. You may feel extra sensitive this week so be sure to protect your energy and invoke your boundaries strong. When you start to feel pressure, loosen your grip!
This week is all about you focusing on abundance and your relationship to abundance. Do you receive the currency that you believe? What is the gap between your beliefs of abundance and where you currently are? It’s important for you to reflect deeply on this and how it applies to your relationships (including self!). Moving forward with plans may seem difficult at this time, perhaps it’s time for a break.
The cosmos are working in your favour to push out what is not necessary/worthy of your space. Pay attention to this theme in your social groups. This is a good week for re-aligning yourself to your intentions set under the new moon. What change are you resisting at this time? This could be why you’re feeling so exhausted lately.
You could be feeling strongly in your element this week! Use this to your advantage to move forward with certain projects and ideas you have pending. If you’re focused and disciplined enough, you could see these items manifest sooner than you expect. Do your best to not second guess everything, you know what you’re doing!
All eyes are on you this week! This could make you feel uneasy or excited, depending on your environment. Be sure to carry protective charms on you and know that saying No is not selfish, it’s self love. The cosmos really want you to take it easy this week, start and finish those books you have piled up! You can receive deep revelations and even intuitive messages from whatever you focus on at this time.
You could be over overthinking this week, and it’s causing you to exhaust yourself. Thoughts on your future and destined path are heavily on your mind. The best way to break this distraction is by moving in that direction, what are you waiting for? Discipline and consistency will bring you success and ensure you’re in alignment, get back in alignMeant!
Your intuition is trying to protect you from certain situations. However you could be very stubborn about this because it’s not going “your way”. As this is your full moon, the cosmos are here to humble you and remind you that you do not have control. Pay attention to your social groups and read between the lines of what is being said! Spirit is channeling messages for you through this space.
Expect to feel brand new when you wake up on the full moon day! This moon is highlighting new pieces of yourself that are going to empower you even more. Once you realize this, all that you manifest is going to move forward smoothly. Do not be afraid to say yes to new things this week!
There’s no need to feel guilty about not “feeling it” this week. The cosmos are applying pressure to your situations, what are you snoozing on? Give yourself the time and space to hold for your planning, especially focused on your finances. The universe could be showing you what “you reap what you sow” means, at this time.
Massive changes to your routines and relationships can be expected this week! You don’t have to understand what’s happening in order to take steps on this path, you just have to trust! The gap between your success and where you currently are, is all based on your doubt. Trust yourself, trust your intuition and honour your inner child this week.
Finding the balance between doing and allowing, is going to be a focus for you. There could be moments where you feel completely exhausted, and other moments where you’re full of energy. Tap into your element of water under this moon to stabilize your aura and self. There could be a situation pending your decision and movement, which could be pending other outcomes. Get it over with, like ripping off a bandaid. You got this!
Craving more astrology updates? Be sure to book your astrology transit reading, astro-tarot reading for more messages! And if you haven’t already done so, text the Mystic Moon Hotline Bling at +1 647-424-4432, for more on the go daily messages!